Special Olympics

Special Olympics Michigan
Area 23 - The Lincoln Center

Special Olympics Area 23 services all of Wayne County (excluding Detroit) and provides year-round sports training to over 700 individuals with intellectual disabilities. Area 23 helps athletes to improve their fitness, learn new sport skills, and experience the joy of winning through competition and training.

The Lincoln Center is a delegation of Area 23, providing athletes the opportunity to meet new people, make friends, travel and enjoy social events with other Special Olympic athletes and volunteers. Through Special Olympics, athletes gain self-esteem and discipline, which carry over into school, home and the workplace.

To be eligible to participate in Special Olympics, athletes must have an intellectual disability, a cognitive delay, or a developmental disability; that is, functional limitations in both general learning and adaptive skills. Participation in Special Olympics can begin at age 8, and there is no maximum age limit; children ages 2-7 can take part in the Young Athletes Program.

Lincoln Center athletes participate in the Area 23 bowling tournament and the Area 23 Spring Games (Track & Field). For more information about enrolling an athlete in Special Olympics Michigan through The Lincoln Center, contact Kelly Blanks at blanksk@wy.k12.mi.us

These TLC Special Olympic Athletes participated in the Jr. Pistons Clinic on Oct. 21, 2016. Andre Drummond, Michael Gbinije, Assistant Coach Aaron Gray, Hooper and Pistons Entertainment hosted a basketball clinic with Special Olympics.

Bowling - 2017

Bowling - 2015

Special Olympics Michigan Area 23: