
Miss Kelly and Ms. Jaime's classes came together and read a fictional story about a fish who encounters water pollution.  Students used various ingredients to mock create the polluted water.  Students were  asked to recall details and retell details from the story.

Student playing with slime


Student doing science project

Before the Activity
As a part of the monthly theme, we addressed citizenship.  We discussed how keeping the Earth clean and protecting the environment, is being a good citizen.  We also read the informational text from the ULS library "Oil Spills."  The students watched YouTube clips about the BP oil spill and cleanup.  After reading, students answered wh- questions and recalled details from the text.

CCEEs we addressed for this cummulative lesson in September included:
 EERI.3.1 - I CAN answer who and
 what questions after listening to
 a nonfiction book.
 EERL.3.1 - I CAN answer who and
 what questions after listening to
 a story.
 EERL.4.1 - I CAN tell a detail from
 the story & I CAN retell the story
 using details from the story.
 EERI.4.1 - I CAN tell a detail from
 an informational text.